Dreamforce 15 Checklist

With Dreamforce only 7 days left I am in middle of my planning and packing.

Following are my checklist.

  • Dreamforce Agenda

Dreamforce showcases all the upcoming features in Salesforce. This makes it a good knowledge enriching event. It is always good that you know about them before hand. Just follow Salesforce on social media sites or this Agenda list. This knowledge will give you an edge on every conversation you have with anyone at DF. Casual talk about the popular events, big celebrities joining the after parties are also common. If you are trying to sell something make sure you have a booth(purchased one) with lots of goodies to attract new prospects.



  • My Travel Bag:

Phone Charger, Power Bank: Dreamforce is all about making connections. I am sure that most of time a well connected person will have lots of meeting and on side will be managing a big team back in office. To do several tasks simultaneously you will need all of your devices like phone, tablet, laptop on full juice. Moscone center do have places with charging ports scattered in different places but still you will need mobile power banks to carry with you. In my last DF14 I was spending most of my time near a charging port and I don’t wish to do the same this time.

Good Shoes: So many events and meetings in Dreamforce will take all of your walking stamina. All the four days 15 Sept-18 Sept will be a rigorous running, walking & standing exercise. You need to make sure you are in formal looking but most comfortable leather loafers/shoes. For heavy person like me its must that we start our morning jogging/walking to make our self fit for this event.



Visiting Cards: Most of the time you will be meeting with the contact you already know. Dreamforce attendees are huge in number and it is literally impossible for anyone to meet someone just out of blue. Still you will need to share and receive lots of visiting cards. I personally believe it to be waste of paper but have no choice since professionals still seem to use this.

Travel Documents, Passport, DF Invite, Medicine bag and other regular stuff: Make sure you travel light. This is a 4 day event and plan accordingly.





  • My Meetings:

Plan a Client Meetings: Connect to all of your existing clients and ask them whether they are coming to DF or not. All of your Clients in happy relationship with you will certainly like to meet you and schedule meetings with them. Google calendar with Android works best for me in managing these meetings. Now for clients with not so happy relationship needs some extra persuasion to have a meeting of “How can we make this better?” over lunch or dinner.

Plan Prospect Meetings: Your Sales Team might have hooked you up with some new prospect to meet in DF.

  • For Service Company: You are selling your resource’s knowledge and skills. Make sure you have your company presentation, Team skill sets, existing big customers. etc
  • For Product Company: You are selling your product and make sure you have Product presentation, existing end clients ready to promote you.



  • Developer & Administrators

Dreamforce have a lot for Developers. To start with, you get to visit a separate “Developer Zone”. So many developers around the world gather at this place for various competition(hackathon). If you want to get trained in Salesforce do purchase the course. Learn about new Salesforce lightning components. Polishing your developer skills before Dreamforce is also a must todo. techworking

Author: AJ

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