SKUID-Scalable Kit for User Interface Development


SKUID has always been my favourite since the first time I saw this in Dreamforce 2014. My first interaction was with their team on Dreamforce booth and the after understanding its capabilites I was amazed! SKUID is set of tools that allow you to change almost any element of your Salesforce User Interface, quickly and easily. We can quickly implement any changes as per suggested by your team, across your org and even in Production. It is basically used to build the UI to have a look on the data your company needs.

STORY: Salesforce connected Rich (Rich Slack, CFMO of Chrysalis and CEO of Meridian Meds) with a private developer who would charge $300,000 – $500,000 to build out their user interface. It was a non-starter. Rich decided to kill the Salesforce project and hire a team of developers to create their own platform. However, the team hit many roadblocks. Rich realized that Salesforce could do what he needed if he could figure out a way to overcome the gap of user interface.

That’s when he found Skuid. Within 2 days, Rich had re-skinned the user interface of his app within Salesforce. He rebuilt his entire system during his nights and weekends in four months. 


Let’s get Started with SKUID:

  • Compose your new page from Skuid Central tab in your Salesforce Org


  • Connect your Salesforce objects and external data through models present in Skuid. For each MODEL, choose the standard and custom fields from your Salesforce objects that you want to include in your page, and can even set criteria for the records to get display on your page.

You can create as many model as needed. The only thing to know is that they will be loaded the way they are listed.


For each model we have:

  • Fields: Fields refer to the fields from the object which we want to show in our page.
  • Conditions: They apply criteria for the records which are to be shown onto the page.
  • Actions: They help us to specify the actions which we want our page to perform after some event.

We have two properties for Model which are Basic & Advanced. Basic properties let you define the model Id, data source type, SObject name, model behaviour, number of pages to be displayed etc. Advance properties let you have a look on cloning the data, Query Deleted, Update Salesforce Recently Viewed Info etc.

  • Skuid provides you with pre-built components which can be used to create your own page. Also you can create your own components. There is only the need to drag and drop those pre-built components and you can even customize them accordingly.


  • You can deploy your Visualforce page or complete UI with your Skuid Pages. For doing that you have to just use Page Assignments and choose it to assign whether according to a profile or role.


  • You can edit your page anytime and add components to it and update your page.
  • You can even create a dynamic filterable Report using Skuid. For creating a Report choose Model Behaviour as Aggregate.


  • Skuid allows you to add JavaScript files that will be included with this page. To add JS you can either make it a static resource or In-line Snippet or External or maybe In-Line Component.

For Static Resource, you will be able to enter the Namespace of the JS resource.For External, you will be able to enter the URL of the JS resource. For In-Line JS Resources, you can enter the code right on the page under Resource Body.

Static Resource

  • You can add your Skuid page to the Visualforce page by giving appropriate record level access to your Skuid page. Your VF page will just redirect to your Skuid page. Using this VF page you can even create site using salesforce.

Thus overall, learning Skuid is a mindblowing experience and  everyday you will get  a chance to learn something new and will get to know all it’s advantages and easiness it has provided to our developers.


Author: AJ

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